Rated R - Mild Special Event

Bob and Tom Fave SAM MILLER!

Fri, Mar 14, 2025
Sat, Mar 15, 2025
Rated R - Mild Special Event

Bob and Tom Fave SAM MILLER!

We are VERY MUCH looking forward to the return of Sam Miller!  He was SO much fun last year!

He's been busting his ass the last ten years and exploded onto the Bob and Tom Radio Show scene in 2023!

Sam lives in Olympia, Washington. He's the Paul Bunyon of comedy, standing six feet six and weighing in at 360 pounds.

He has 2 kids (one of them on purpose), has been married 11 years and clean and sober for 15 years.

Sam likes to make jokes about what it's like to be a sober parent. He also jokes about what jail is like in Yakima.  No 2 of his shows are the same.

His first album and special, "Round Trip," was recently recorded and filmed under the tutelage of Grammy-winning producer Dan Schlissel. Sam has signed a three-album deal with Dan's company, Stand Up! Records.

Sam is a recurring guest on “The Bob and Tom Show” heard by 2.5 million listeners every day, He has written articles for Newsweek, was the runner-up in the 2021 Seattle International Comedy Competition and won the Comedy on Trial Competition in 2017. He's also performed with the Addicts Comedy Tour and at NA and AA conventions all over the northwest. For 3 consecutive years he won awards in "The Best of Olympia" issue of the Weekly Volcano.

Don't miss this fast-rising star!