Open Mic Night
For the open mic nights, doors open at 7:15 p.m.
If you want to perform at the open mic, you simply sign up when you arrive. There is no cost for performers. $5 admission for non-performers.
People often ask "How long is the show?" The answer is: "It depends how many comics sign up. We've had as few as 4 or 5 comics and as many as 32. Typical average is 10 - 15 comics. The show usually finishes between 9 and 10 p.m.
Parking is available in front of the club and to the east and west of the building.
There's Butch's pizza and garlic cheese bread, popcorn and chips available for snacking.
Dress is casual. Wear whatever you like. Just wear SOMETHING.
Netflix's APRIL MACIE!
It's easy to reserve and purchase your tickets online. Simply click on the day/showtime you want and follow the prompts!
The VIP SEATS are the 40 seats closest to the stage in a room that seats 200. Guarantee those seats while you can!
You can arrive for your show up to an hour before the scheduled showtime. The lounge and the comedy room are separate entities, so arriving for a late show while the early show is still going on does not disrupt anything.
We open the lounge an hour before the first show of the night and remain open up to one hour after the last show of the day ends.
Parking is available in front of the club and to the east and west of the building.
There's Butch's pizza and garlic cheese bread, popcorn and chips available for snacking.
Get set for a WILD night with this red-hot hilarious red head!